The mural by
Task1 welcomed me as I arrived.

Set up took less than a day, thanks to the help of Spanky, Lee, Task and Joanne.

I can't seem to say enough thank yous, so here we go. Thank you to all the artists who participated and took a risk to be in my first curated show. Thank you for everyone who came out and supported the show, the movie, the artists and the shop. It was an awesome experience and I couldn't have asked for a better show and opening night. As always, my deepest thanks to the Dragatomi's Joanne and Ray for their support and love.

All the artists did AMAZING work - totally blew me away! Some of the artwork are still available; please
check them out here.

Much thanks to the participated artists that came through and hung out during the opening night:
Spanky (all the way from San Diego!),
J*Ryu (via FaceTime),
Alex Pardee,
Rob Bowen,
Dave Correia,
Dan Fleres,
Mark Nagata,
Brad Isdrab,
Lucien Shapiro, NART, Chris DeLeon, and
Mikie Graham!

On Sunday, we got a chance to check out a mural that Skinner did for a local coffee shop in Sac. We were all speechless - it is too awesome for words!

Lastly, much thanks to all the blogs and bloggers for promoting the show! Thank you again to everyone's continued support!